Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Shopping At Taobao: 8 Things You Need To Know

Taobao is the biggest consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce platform based in China. You can get clothes, accessoriesgadgets and even computer hardware at very low (dirt cheap) prices. However, because the website is 100% in Chinese, this may be a barrier to those who want to shop but can’t make heads or tails navigating through the shopping process.

Here are 8 things you need to know when shopping at Taobao. We’ll cover how you can navigate this Chinese site, giving you a rough idea of the feedback system, how to use a Taobao agent (middleman service), and other factors to consider when purchasing an item.

1. Communication & Translation

Taobao’s navigation, item listing and overall user interface is in Chinese. One way to make sense of it all is to Google Translate the page.
The good news is that some sellers understand that there’s a market outside of China. These sellers will include English keywords on their listings so, when you search for international brands like "Sony" or "iPhone", you will get some results from the search engine.

2. Get Better Search Results

Like most search engines, you can sort results based on certain criterion (filters). At Taobao, you can sort results based on: PopularitySalesSeller’s ReputationNewest Additions, and Price.
There are other seller-related service criterion that you can search for: Consumer Protection7-day Return PolicyGenuine Product, Wang Wang Live ChatOverseas ProductCash on Delivery, and Accepts Credit Card.
Within an item’s listing, you can sometimes choose an option (color or other specifications) as shown below, marked 1. You can also tell the amount of stock the seller has left, marked 2.

3. Choosing A Reliable Taobao Seller

Just like on Ebay, you would want to pick an experienced seller who is trustworthy. One way to figure this out is to find out how many transactions they've processed, and successfully delivered. This can be viewed at the seller’s profile. This seller, for instance, has processed 129 units of this item and successfully delivered 99 of them (marked 1 below).
Sellers can also be ranked by buyers. The lowest ranks are hearts, followed by diamonds, blue crowns, and finally yellow crowns. A seller has to earn 5 of each rank before ascending to the next rank. As you can see, the seller below has 2 blue crowns (marked 2) which is quite a good rating.
You can also tell when they started their shop and the amount of positive feedback they’ve received throughout that time. This can be found under the rating with the date (in this case 2006-09-18). The figure 97.69% refers to the positive feedback received.

4. Understanding The Feedback System

In most online shopping sites, customer feedback and reviews are a great source of reference before one makes a purchasing decision. Similarly, Taobao also has a place where you can check the feedback of previous buyers at the bottom of a product page.
The quality of the product is rated by previous buyers who have received the particular item you’re looking at. The system uses stars and a rating from 1 to 5; so if that product is rated with 5, you can assume it is of quality.
However, if there are no reviews of that particular product, you can check out the seller’s overall feedback by clicking on the seller’s rating (heart, diamond or crown). Scrolling down, you’ll see the feedback given by people who have bought any of the seller’s items. This gives you a grand idea of whether the seller is reliable or not, before you purchase an item from him/her.

5. Payment

Chinese Yuan (RMB) is used in every transaction on Taobao. Alipay (think of it like PayPal) can also be used for payment. You can also pay via online banking or buying a money recharge slip for your Taobao account from a post office in China.

On top of the item and shipping fee, other fees like insurance, shipping of sensitive items, additional payment fees and commissions might add to your total cost. You also have to take into account the exchange rate.

8. Taobao Agent

The use of a Taobao agent is highly encouraged for buyers outside of China. The agent’s role is to act as a middleman between you and the Taobao seller. The agent will help you communicate, pay and handle shipping of the item from China to your doorstep; they can sometimes also help you search for something and explain the details of your desired item.

Recommended Agent (Malaysia) : 小天使店铺 ﭢ Little Angel Shop
*Best currency exchange rate (cheaper items) ; Fast and Good service ; Reasonable shipping fee ; Extra services
Because Taobao is gaining limelight outside of China, you could probably find a local Taobao agent in your area to help you purchase something from the marketplace. Looking for a local agent also means that you’ll save on shipping because the agent will have the seller send items to their location first before forwarding it to you.


Different Taobao agents will charge for their services differently. Some might use a higher exchange rate (then keep the excess sum), while others may charge a percentage of your total purchase or a flat fee for their services. These agents may take PayPal or direct bank transfer.


When it comes to shipping, some of these agents have an inside contact that can navigate through the shipping procedures, to ensure that your parcel reaches your doorstep. This may get your parcels delivered to you faster than other agents that consolidate purchases from multiple buyers before shipping them, to lower shipping costs. If you are living outside of China, it is worth paying an agent to handle these procedures allowing you to shop, hassle-free.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Introduction to Taobao Seller Rating

For each transaction, Taobao buyers and sellers can rate each other by leaving feedback. Feedback consists of a rating and a short comment. When you understand how the numbers in a member's Feedback profile are calculated, it's easier to evaluate a member's reputation. 

Taobao members ratings are made of Hearts(s)/ Diamond(s)/ Crown(s). These represent how many transactions the seller has successfully carried through (seller gets 1 point for each positive rating, and -1 for each negative rating).

Taobao User Rating Table

Taobao Seller Rating

A: Number of items that the seller has sold so far and the seller rating
B: Good reviews from customer in percentage
C: Is the item received same as what it was described or shown. 
     Score of 0 (lowest) to 5 (highest)
D: Service rating given to the seller.  Score of 0 (lowest) to 5 (highest)
E: Time taken for the seller to post out the items after you place an order.
     Score of 0 (slow) to 5 (fast)
F: Opening date of the shop

All the elements should be regarded as a whole rather than individually. If A, B, C, D, E have very good scores andD indicates that the shop is open for only a short while, there is a possibility that there are "fake" transactions (other accounts own by the same person purchase from the shop in order to boots the ratings). Just like the saying goes, "if it's too good to be true, it's probably not true".

Click on the number (the 309 on the screenshot above) and you can see a detailed breakdown of the seller's transactions. You will be taken to a page with a chart that looks like this.

Red Flower = Positive Feedback
Yellow Flower = Neutral
Black Flower = Negative Feedback

Monday, 26 May 2014

DIY Plastic-Bottle Zipper Container

  • Scissors
  • Double-sided Tape
  • Plastic bottle
  • Zip


  1. Measure an inch and a half from the base of the water bottle, and mark with a pen.
  2. Use a sharp scissors to cut away the bottom from the bottle.
  3. Do the same with another empty plastic bottle.
  4. Select a zipper that wraps around the bottle comfortably.
  5. Secure the zipper to the inside of one bottle with tape.
  6. Open the zipper, and attach the top just like you did the bottom.
  7. Zip the container together, and you're ready to store your stuff!

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

DIY Cassette Tape Business Card Holder


1. Choose a nice and cool tape
2. Screw it open
3. Remove innards
4. Tape hinge
5. Glue in magnets at both side
6. DONE!

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Tips to avoid online shopping fraud

Protect yourself against shopping fraud

  • Make sure you understand how the website’s feedback function works. Feedback will give you useful information about recent transactions other buyers have made.
  • Check the item's description carefully – ask the seller questions if you’re not sure of something.
  • Be extremely careful when buying things from people with little or no selling history.
  • Read the terms and conditions carefully, including those relating to any dispute resolution procedures the site offers.
  • Beware of people offering you a deal below the reserve price, especially if they contact you direct. Remember, if an offer sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.  
  • Be aware of phishing emails that look like they come from the payment site you’re registered with, asking you to update your account details or re-enter them because your account has been suspended.  
  • Check the URL in the web browser. A tactic often used by fraudsters is to change the address very slightly (if they’re spoofing an eBay site, for instance, they may have an address such as ‘’ whereas the real site is ‘’) 


As a buyer, you should:

  • Don’t send confidential personal or financial information by email.
  • Try to avoid paying by money transfers - they aren’t secure.

As a seller, you should:

  • Be wary of accepting payment by cheque. Even though it may clear, you are still liable if the cheque is forged or stolen.
  • Don’t accept a cheque for a higher amount and refund the difference. This is a common fraud that only comes to light when the buyers’ cheque turns out to be stolen or forged.

Monday, 12 May 2014

DIY Shoes Hanger

Materials needed:

  • Pliers
  • Wire hangers
  • Colored ribbon


1. Score the metal with the pliers and then snap it with your hands.
2.  Take your pliers and roll up the two edges.
3. Make a cute hanger jacket using the colored ribbon.
4. Secure it with glue. 

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

DIY Bird Nest Necklace


  • Gold wires
  • Beads
  • Necklace chain


  1. Take three beads and string it together using gold wires
  2. Simply roll it around the beads to create nest-like shape
  3. Put on the necklace chain
  4. DONE!

Photo from: ideaking

Thursday, 1 May 2014

DIY String-Tie Envelopes


1. Download the string tie envelope pattern.
2Cut out two circles using the card-stock scraps. 
    (*used a glue stick cap to trace the circles. They were the perfect size*)
3Hole-punched the center of each circle.4. Push the brad/pin into the paper.
5. Get your twine/string and cut it at about 5 inches. Wrap around the top button and tie a    
    square knot to keep it in place.
6Wrap the string around both buttons to keep the envelope close or do a figure 8 around both 

Photo from: minieco

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

DIY Belt Hanger


  • Wood hanger
  • Hook screws


1. Mark down where your screws want to go
2. Screw it in
3. DONE! 

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

DIY Phone Protector

Materials needed:

Unwanted wristband, pen, scissors


1. Wrap the wristband around your phone 2. Use a pen to mark down the holes on your phone 3. Take down the wristband to cut the holes 4. Cut 5. Wrap it back on the phone 6. Ta-daaaaa DONE!